Best Practices for Social Media Manual: Are You Doing It Correctly?

10 de junho de 2022 2 minutes

80% of Brazilians are present on at least one social media platform, where they constantly share their opinions on different subjects. By disclosing where they work, employees start representing the company in the digital environment and must follow rules to preserve its image.

What is it and what is it for?

The manual aims to ensure the confidentiality of internal information and instruct employees, third parties, and suppliers on the best way to use social media and what to disclose about the company in these channels.

It also guides how to act when the company is mentioned in different situations.

The company should rely on its Code of Ethics and Conduct to determine which actions will or will not be allowed on social media platforms.

Departments involved in the creation of the manual

  • Compliance
  • Internal Communications
  • External Communications
  • Human Resources
  • Legal

Cases where a manual of best practices could be useful

Case 1

In 2019, a man was fired after making offensive comments on a LinkedIn post about LGBTQIAP+ leadership in another company. Several people tagged the company’s profile where he worked so that it would take action; moments later, the company publicly announced the employee’s dismissal for his inappropriate behavior.

Case 2

An employee of a company in the Southern Region referred to colleagues as “maria-chuteira” and “maria-gasolina” (derogatory terms referring to women) on his social media. The messages generated questions not only among colleagues but also outside the company.

Case 3

In 2012, an employee of a car dealership in the interior of São Paulo was fired after liking Facebook comments made by a former colleague who insulted the store and a company partner.

Case 4

In 2018, an employee of an airline was fired after posting, during the World Cup, a video in which he embarrassed Russian women, coercing them to repeat obscene phrases in Portuguese.

What does the law say in this case?

According to the law, the employer can apply the most severe penalty to the employee who crosses the line in their comments on social media, that is, dismissal with just cause because it brings consequences to the company.


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