LGPD and what it means for your business

3 de novembro de 2022 2 minutes

The Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) or General Data Protection Law aims to regulate the processing of customer data by private companies and public agencies to ensure their protection.

What is LGPD?

In general, it aims to protect individuals’ rights to freedom and privacy. To this end, it establishes detailed rules for processing personal data, whether digital or not.

Thus, any public or private company that includes customer information (even basic, such as email) needs to comply with the law.

What changes with the General Data Protection Law?

In practice, two things.

  1. Consent of the data subject: data can only be collected, managed, and stored with the free, informed, and unequivocal expression of the data subject, authorizing the processing of this information.
  2. Legitimate interest of the data collector: the intention of the data collector must be clear. The citizen has the right to know what will be done with their data and for what purpose it will be used.

How does LGPD affect marketing strategies?

    • Lead generation: companies that usually accumulate data without knowing what to do with it must comply with the law. Consent must also be explicit.
    • Privacy policy: the content must be simple and direct so that the user understands. There must also be a field for the reader to consent.
    • Content marketing: the trend is to offer even more attractive content to convince the user to consent to data collection.
    • Email marketing: email lists must be updated with the assurance that all contacts in your automated base have consented to be there.

And what about users?

According to the Consumer Pulse Survey 2019:                 

    • 69% of people would abandon brands that use their data invasively.
    • 73% would be willing to provide their data if brands were more transparent about data processing.

Users do not see a problem in providing their data as long as they know how it will be treated.

Therefore, an action plan must be implemented immediately in the corporate culture. After all, more profound changes require time and attention!

Sources: Resultados Digitais, InfoMoney, Rock Content and WHS Advogados.


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