Hybrid Work vs. Remote Work

29 de junho de 2022 2 minutes

Despite the desire to return to in-person work, most prefer a hybrid arrangement

Hybrid Work vs. Remote Work

Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, Brazil’s largest employers have transitioned half of their workforce to a hybrid or remote model.

Today, fully in-person work is still a reality in 62% of companies, while 18% have adopted hybrid work and only 8% operate fully remotely.

Flexibility as a Guiding Principle

Large companies employ three work models:

  • In-person, for employees whose roles require their physical presence.
  • Hybrid, for administrative teams.
  • Flexible, allowing for more autonomy.

What Do Employees Prefer?

Opinion polls are not unanimous regarding professionals’ preferences.

A survey by Opinion Box showed that 31% of people would choose fully in-person work, while WeWork’s research found that only 8% of the workforce would make the same choice. However, a Harvard study revealed that 67% of workers prefer a fully remote or hybrid home office model.

Productivity and Communication

Advocates of the in-person model argue for improved productivity and communication:

  • 27% feel more productive in the office.
  • 26% opt for in-person work to enhance communication.
  • 25% choose in-person work because it allows for social interaction.

What About Routine?

Employees typically have a flexible routine in workplaces where the hybrid model is employed: around 35% of people do not have a set schedule of days at home and days in the office.

On the other hand, in many companies that have already adopted hybrid schemes, there is a rotation between teams for remote work days and days in the office.

Sources: Seu Dinheiro, Época Negócios, G1, “Futuro do Trabalho 2022”, Folha de S.Paulo.


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